Election 2024: Discern politics differently • Denison Forum

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

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Election 2024: Discern politics differently

Denison Forum is a nonpartisan, nonprofit ministry.

The following resources will not tell you whom to vote for.

Rather, we offer a biblical perspective on the news of the day and the issues our country is discussing.

How can a nation survive if its citizens see each other as enemies?

Two out of three Americans consider civility to be a major problem in our country today. Only 7 percent say it is not a problem at all. It seems we are all fighting to be heard, but no one’s listening.

Has our culture lost the art of civility?

In Respectfully, I Disagree: How to Be a Civil Person in an Uncivil Time, Dr. Jim Denison offers a path to becoming a people of civility in a season of conflict.

Get the ebook today or request a physical copy.

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  • How the church can weather oncoming political storms

    How the church can weather oncoming political storms

    Remember back in Covid days how tough it was to find a balance as a church? If we said, “Gotta wear a mask,” some folks would be mad. If you said, “Mask-free is OK with me,” other people would boycott….

  • With a contentious election looming, our lack of trust could be our undoing

    With a contentious election looming, our lack of trust could be our undoing

    Americans face a fundamental problem in this election year, and in life in general. “Americans don’t trust one another, and they don’t trust the government,” Jedediah Britton-Purdy, a law professor at Duke, wrote in The Atlantic. In fact, poll after…

  • NASA is sending a poem to Jupiter’s moon Europa

    NASA is sending a poem to Jupiter’s moon Europa

    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump each won enough delegates last night to become the presumptive nominees of their parties. A vote is scheduled today in Congress that could lead to a US ban of TikTok. And the…

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17304 Preston Rd, Suite 1060
Dallas, TX 75252-5618
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PO Box 226903
Dallas, TX 75222-6903