Intentionally blessing others this Mother’s Day

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Intentionally blessing others this Mother’s Day

May 10, 2024 -

Boy with Down syndrome with his mother and grandmother. By Halfpoint/

Boy with Down syndrome with his mother and grandmother. By Halfpoint/

Boy with Down syndrome with his mother and grandmother. By Halfpoint/

Originally published on Christian Parenting

It’s coming, Moms! The day we’ve been waiting for. The day set aside for mothers to be honored, celebrated, and yes, even a little spoiled. You may have already asked for a gift certificate to the spa or made an inner vow you will not fold a single piece of laundry or wash a single dish when it’s your special day. That’s right, Mother’s Day is a day we all look forward to. When we get the hand drawn pictures from our kids, loving cards that make us shed  tears, and fill our mom bucket to the brim.

But as this special day approaches, I can’t help but think about the others in my life who may find this day difficult to face. Though many look forward to this wonderful day spent with family and loved ones, Mother’s Day is not joyful for some. It can be a day that stirs heavy thoughts and emotions. While for many it is a day full of joy and love, consider those in your life who might need a word of encouragement or extra love. I want to challenge you to make it less about you and a little more about others this Mother’s Day. I know what you might be thinking: Jen! How could you say that?  This is the one day I get a guilt-free, me-focused day, and I deserve every minute of it!

Consider the others

Yes, it’s a great day for you and me, but consider someone you might know who needs to be encouraged this Mother’s Day. As Christian mothers, we have an opportunity to reach out and show the love and compassion of Jesus. The same love we crave, we can give to others. We can be intentional to bless the mothers who may not have the cards and flowers pouring in this Mother’s Day. Or we can write a card to the mother who has experienced a challenging year and could use some extra love. Consider other moms and individuals you can bless this Mother’s Day:

  1. The mother raising a child/children on her own
  2. The mother battling/has battled personal illness
  3. The Christian mother married to an unbeliever and doing the best she can to raise her children to know and love Jesus
  4. The mother who may not have biological children, but is a spiritual mother to many
  5. The mother who may have lost a child
  6. The child who may have lost their mother
  7. The mother raising a child with a disability
  8. The mother who might seem to go unnoticed but is doing a great job raising her children
  9. The father who lost his wife, the mother of his children
  10. The grandfather who lost his wife, the grandmother of his grandchildren

I guarantee a few faces come to mind as you consider these others in your life. You don’t have to reach out to everyone, but perhaps choose two or three individuals God drops into your heart. Ask him to show you how to encourage them in a meaningful way. It might be a written note or an invitation to enjoy dessert with you and your family. It might be a simple gift or bouquet of flowers just to say you love them. God has a way of highlighting people in our lives he wants to reach through us as willing vessels. No matter what you choose to do, remember Matthew 25:40, which tells us “whatever we do for the least of these we do unto him.” We honor the Lord as we consider and meet the needs of others in our lives. Let God love on someone through your obedience as you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

If you choose to do this, you will discover the beautiful truth found in Proverbs 11:25: “Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” As you love others this Mother’s Day, God will love on you. You will be blessed as you pour out.

So, as you soak in the love poured out on you from your kids and family this Mother’s Day, I pray you discover even more meaningful ways to celebrate. May your Mother’s Day be a day not only for you, but also for the others in your life God wants to bless and refresh.


Consider a few extra resources:

More by Jen Forsthoff

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