December 6, 2015
I hate roller coasters. As long as I can remember, I have hated high places. Jesus said, "Lo I am with you always," and that's enough for me. So you can imagine what I think of roller coasters.
You know how a roller coaster feels. Your car gets to the very top, and just comes over it. You can see only the sky above you, but you know that the bottom is about to fall out. And you're right.
These are roller coaster days. The shooting in San Bernardino is only the latest in a tragic series. According to The Washington Post, there have been 355 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year. One of the most shocking aspects of Wednesday's shooting is that it wasn't shocking.
But this was. After political leaders responded to the tragedy by tweeting promises of prayer, The New York Daily News published the giant headline, "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS" and the subhead, "As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes." The Nation and Huffington Post made similar allegations.
We are living in stormy days. Here's the good news: the Christ of Christmas is our "Mighty God." In our Advent series, we're exploring the names Isaiah assigned Jesus seven centuries before his birth (Isaiah 9:6). Last week we saw that he is our "Wonderful Counselor." Next week we'll learn that he is our "Everlasting Father," then that he is our "Prince of Peace." Today we celebrate the fact that we have a "Mighty God" as our Lord.
What does that fact mean for you? Where do you need a Mighty God today? This morning I'd like to show you a prayer for the roller coaster. A prayer for stormy seas, a prayer which brings peace to a world in pieces. It's the shortest prayer in the Bible, and one of the most urgent. And you should.
I'd like you to learn to pray it with me today, and every day for the rest of your life.
Matthew 14:22-36
December 6, 2015
I hate roller coasters. As long as I can remember, I have hated high places. Jesus said, "Lo I am with you always," and that's enough for me. So you can imagine what I think of roller coasters.
You know how a roller coaster feels. Your car gets to the very top, and just comes over it. You can see only the sky above you, but you know that the bottom is about to fall out. And you're right.
These are roller coaster days. The shooting in San Bernardino is only the latest in a tragic series. According to The Washington Post, there have been 355 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year. One of the most shocking aspects of Wednesday's shooting is that it wasn't shocking.
But this was. After political leaders responded to the tragedy by tweeting promises of prayer, The New York Daily News published the giant headline, "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS" and the subhead, "As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes." The Nation and Huffington Post made similar allegations.
We are living in stormy days. Here's the good news: the Christ of Christmas is our "Mighty God." In our Advent series, we're exploring the names Isaiah assigned Jesus seven centuries before his birth (Isaiah 9:6). Last week we saw that he is our "Wonderful Counselor." Next week we'll learn that he is our "Everlasting Father," then that he is our "Prince of Peace." Today we celebrate the fact that we have a "Mighty God" as our Lord.
What does that fact mean for you? Where do you need a Mighty God today? This morning I'd like to show you a prayer for the roller coaster. A prayer for stormy seas, a prayer which brings peace to a world in pieces. It's the shortest prayer in the Bible, and one of the most urgent. And you should.
I'd like you to learn to pray it with me today, and every day for the rest of your life.
Matthew 14:22-36
December 6, 2015
I hate roller coasters. As long as I can remember, I have hated high places. Jesus said, “Lo I am with you always,” and that’s enough for me. So you can imagine what I think of roller coasters.
You know how a roller coaster feels. Your car gets to the very top, and just comes over it. You can see only the sky above you, but you know that the bottom is about to fall out. And you’re right.
These are roller coaster days. The shooting in San Bernardino is only the latest in a tragic series. According to The Washington Post, there have been 355 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year. One of the most shocking aspects of Wednesday’s shooting is that it wasn’t shocking.
But this was. After political leaders responded to the tragedy by tweeting promises of prayer, The New York Daily News published the giant headline, “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS” and the subhead, “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.” The Nation and Huffington Post made similar allegations.
We are living in stormy days. Here’s the good news: the Christ of Christmas is our “Mighty God.” In our Advent series, we’re exploring the names Isaiah assigned Jesus seven centuries before his birth (Isaiah 9:6). Last week we saw that he is our “Wonderful Counselor.” Next week we’ll learn that he is our “Everlasting Father,” then that he is our “Prince of Peace.” Today we celebrate the fact that we have a “Mighty God” as our Lord.
What does that fact mean for you? Where do you need a Mighty God today? This morning I’d like to show you a prayer for the roller coaster. A prayer for stormy seas, a prayer which brings peace to a world in pieces. It’s the shortest prayer in the Bible, and one of the most urgent. And you should.
I’d like you to learn to pray it with me today, and every day for the rest of your life.
See Peter’s problem
First let’s join the story where this amazing prayer is found. It’s late at night, around 3:00 in the morning, and we’re on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus has sent his disciples off in their boat, while he climbs one of the nearby hills to pray.
Suddenly a catastrophic storm attacks them. These disciples are in a small fishing boat. A few years ago archaeologists discovered a boat they date to AD 40, identical to the one these disciples used. It measures 27 feet by 7½ feet; its sides are just over an inch thick. It’s no help in a storm. I’ve been on the Sea of Galilee during a wind storm in a tour boat, much larger than their fishing vessel, and found it a frightening experience.
Now their boat is “buffeted by the waves” (v. 24). The Greek word means that it was “tortured.” Water is stinging their faces and drenching their bodies. The wind is howling in their ears. They are fighting for their lives.
And Jesus sees their crisis. He walks on the water three or four miles to them. Matthew records the miracle just that simply (v. 25). By now Matthew has seen Jesus crucified and risen from the grave—walking on water is no big deal to him. But it was to them, and they are terrified.
So Jesus calls to his frightened disciples: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (v. 27). Peter takes him at his word. “If it’s you . . .” (v. 28) is better translated, “Since it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus calls, “Come!” So Peter goes. He leaves his boat for Jesus. This man who has spent his life fishing these waters now walks on them. Imagine a pilot flying without his plane, a deep-sea diver without his apparatus, an astronaut without his suit. He walks to Jesus.
Until he sees the wind and the waves. Taking his eyes from his Lord in fear, he begins to sink. He’ll drown. He’s going to die.
Now comes his prayer, one of the greatest and most profound prayers found in all the Bible and all of recorded literature. A prayer filled with the deepest spiritual and theological significance. A prayer we must all learn to pray every day.
Here it is: “Lord, save me!” It’s just that simple. And that profound. And Jesus answers this prayer, then and now.
Trust Peter’s Lord
Do you need Peter’s prayer? Let’s spend some time with each of his three words. First, “Lord.” Master, King, Boss. The Romans insisted that their Emperor be called “Kurios.” Peter calls the Nazarene carpenter Kurios. Lord. Why? Why should we?
Peter knows some things about the Christ born at Christmas. For instance, he knows that Jesus is the creator of the cosmos. Anyone who can calm storms and walk on their waves must be their creator. And he’s right.
Colossians 1:16 teaches, “By Jesus all things were created.” All things. Not coincidence or chance—the creation of the Christ of Christmas. Peter knows that this Creator still rules his creation. He still rules the storms he made.
And he knows that this Creator and Ruler, this superiority of intelligence, had the power to fold all that glory, all that universal divinity, into a fetus and be born in a cow stall in an insignificant farming village. G. K. Chesterton, looking at Christmas, said it well: “The Child that played with moon and sun is playing with a little hay.”
Isaiah called the Christ of Christmas the “Mighty God.” Now he is ready to be your Mighty God. How? Start by calling him Lord.
Learn Peter’s prayer
Next say Peter’s second word, “save.” The word means to rescue, to pull from death to life, from despair to hope, from storm to safety. Save! Do you need this prayer?
What is your storm? What in our fear-filled, terrorist attacked world most frightens you? Is your storm a person? Someone in your family or other relationships? Is your storm raging at work? At school? In your own heart or mind or body? What is your storm this morning?
What is your boat? What security are you trusting today? The blunt truth is that there is no boat which can shelter us from the storms of life. No amount of money can protect us from terrorism without or within. No physical security can keep us from meeting death one day. No resources or abilities or possessions can ensure our peace, our well-being, our tranquility and joy.
And one day we will meet God. On that day there is no boat we can trust. It will just be you and him. Edward Bennet Williams, the legendary trial lawyer, was dying, and someone mentioned all his power and influence in Washington. He said, “Power? I’m about to meet real power.” He was right.
Do you need to say to the Lord and Master of all creation, “save!”? If you do, you must add Peter’s last word. You must say to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” You must admit that you cannot save yourself. You cannot create for yourself a life of significance, purpose, or joy, any more than Peter could walk on water without Christ. So say to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” Say it today.
Are you caught in a storm this morning? Where do you need Peter’s prayer personally? Because of Christmas, the Mighty God is waiting to listen. He came to Bethlehem and to the Harbor. He’s walking to you right now. He’s waiting to hear you and help you.
Are you still sitting in the boat? Afraid to leave your security, your shelter? I should tell my friends at school what Jesus has done for me, but I’m afraid of what they’ll think. So I stay in the boat. I should take a stand for what’s right at work, but there’s a price. So I stay in the boat. I should trust God with my money, but I’m afraid of being poor. So I stay in the boat. Life has dealt me a cruel hand—death, disease, or failure. So I stay in the boat.
Ships are safest in the harbor. But that’s not what ships are for.