
Current events
How COVID-19 helped college football’s greatest coach find more joy: A lesson on approaching each day with gratitude
Ryan Denison, PhD

Biblical living
A marathon-running Santa Claus with a cause: The privilege of meeting needs with grace
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Should your church move to virtual-only services? Three factors and a liberating prayer
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Are the vaccines safe? Answers to common questions and a prayer for knowledge and discernment
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Homeless man now feeds hundreds a day: Finding our empowering purpose through service
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Is the COVID-19 vaccine ethical? Abortion, loving our neighbor, and the priority of biblical wisdom
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Turning PPE into bricks: The most read Bible verse of 2020 and the hidden danger on the path to God’s best
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Grandmother shoots buck from the kitchen window: The courage to respond biblically to “the worst event this country will face”
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
North Texas Food Bank gives out 600,000 pounds of food for Thanksgiving: A lesson on serving God by serving others
Ryan Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Chili peppers can help us live longer: The crises of our day and the power of community
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Neighbors decorate mother’s home for Halloween in memory of her son: Six steps to the hope we need today
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Two-headed snakes and murder hornets: The power and privilege of faithful courage
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Why “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” is so relevant to politics and religion today
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
“A Dose of Optimism” for the pandemic: The daily key to empowering hope
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Is America experiencing God’s judgment? How we can predict our national and personal future
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
How President Trump’s critics have responded to his illness: Three sources of incivility and three invitations for Christians
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
President Trump, First Lady test positive for coronavirus: Three biblical words of hope
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Man arrested after two-week stay in stadium luxury suite: How COVID has taught me not to worry
Ryan Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Should churches meet in person? Let’s discuss Hebrews 10:25 and “not neglecting to meet together”
Ryan Denison, PhD