How should the church do politics?

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How should the church do politics?

November 4, 2014 -


Historian Will Durant once claimed, “The greatest question of our time is not communism versus individualism, not Europe versus America, not even East versus West; it is whether men can live without God.”  That question is being answered in the affirmative by an increasingly secular society that is convinced the church is irrelevant if not dangerous.  The gospel is marginalized; Christianity is lampooned; Jesus is ignored.

We are so confident in our provisions that we are ignoring our Provider.  We are so committed to tolerance that we are rejecting the One who cannot tolerate our sin.  It is vitally urgent that Christians be salt and light where they are, as they can, at any cost, to the glory of God and salvation of souls.

A calendar once depicted General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, in a boat, his hand out to a man drowning in the water.  One of his grandchildren saw the painting and asked, “Is granddad helping that man, or shaking hands with him?”

What would our culture say you’re doing for them today?

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