Can you see death hiding in this picture?
Last weekend Janet and I were in Houston for my home church’s 50th anniversary. On Saturday I took our oldest son to the Houston Zoo, just as my father had taken me to the zoo more than 40 years ago. Much had changed, but much had not. It was a very nostalgic morning.
In the Reptile House we stood in front of a Gaboon Viper as he lay on the floor of his cage. This reptile has the longest fangs and largest venom yield of any poisonous snake. Yet he hides so well that I would have stepped on him if we were in the wild. All that protected me from him was the glass wall between us.
As I looked death in the face, I had this thought: “It’s not what we can see that matters–it’s what we cannot see.” Scripture warns us that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). Before we step into the forest, we’d best spend time in the throne room of God. It’s safe out there only on our knees.