'I wanted to be well, not wealthy': 'Sacred Pace' puts God first in business

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‘I wanted to be well, not wealthy’: ‘Sacred Pace’ puts God first in business

June 1, 2020 -

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Terry Looper, the president, CEO, and founder of energy company Texon, followed an unconventional route to business success: work only forty hours a week and don’t set any sales goals.

The numbers may not seem to add up, but Looper’s story of putting God first in business is a wildly successful one, as told in Sacred Pace: Four Steps to Hearing God and Aligning Yourself with His Will,” written with Kris Bearss.

Looper suffered from burnout early in his business career. Then, instead of working and making decisions at a breakneck pace, he learned to slow down and seek God’s will before making important decisions.

By slowing down, he shifted into “neutral,” meaning he was willing to do whatever God wanted. He wasn’t asking God to confirm his own plans.

Texon became profitable within eighteen months and has been for twenty-nine consecutive years. More importantly, Looper’s relationships with God and his family flourished.

That’s a principle worth remembering for every Christian in the business world.

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